Mr. Richard Penn reports
Black Tusk Resources Inc. has staked additional claims to expand the Lorrain property. An additional 15 claims totalling 875.4 hectares were added to cover the favourable geologic and geophysical features as indicated on the Quebec website SIGEOM. The total Lorrain claim package now covers 2,208.4 hectares in 38 contiguous claims.
The Lorrain property was staked to cover the Guimond-Church mineral showing. This mineral showing is reported to consist of disseminated pyrite, magnetite and chromite in altered ultramafic rocks. Drill core sampling returned up to 0.48 per cent chromium and 0.27 per cent nickel (GM 02994). The Black Tusk geological team interpreted the potential for platinum group elements (PGE) associated with this showing and targeted the area for staking earlier this year.
The original claims contained 16 historic drill holes. Review of drill logs and assay results revealed that hole LA-01-06 returned significant values of platinum and palladium, along with copper, silver and nickel (see associated table, from Watts, Griffis and McOuat report of 2002, GM60923).
Drill hole LA-01-06 was reported to be located at 626357 east and 5244310 north and was drilled at an azimuth of 340 degrees and dip of minus 65 degrees.
Drill hole LA-01-06 was drilled into a regionally mapped elongated north-south-trending peridotite-gabbro body. The intercept results tabled contain pyrite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite ranging from 3 to 25 per cent of the core, as logged in 2002. The new claims were staked to more fully cover the elongated body of ultramafic rocks that host this mineralization. In addition, eight historic drill holes are now captured in the newly staked claims. These are yet to be reviewed by Black Tusk.
Black Tusk is looking forward to further testing the mineralization located on the Lorrain property. The geological team is now preparing to obtain permits for subsurface exploration in proximity of drill hole LA-01-06 and along the geologic trend.
The company holds significant assets in Quebec and is looking forward to continued exploration on these projects to advance them in the discovery of precious metals.
We seek Safe Harbor.